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Protect Your Child's Teeth With Dental Sealants

Protect Your Child's Teeth With Dental Sealants

Did you know that cavities are considered a chronic childhood disease? Cavities in kids are called early childhood caries (ECC), the most common chronic pediatric disease. For an estimated 300,000 kids, the disease is severe. 

Cavities are 100 percent preventable, though. With bi-annual dental cleanings and solid home hygiene, Sealants can give your child optimal oral health. February is National Children's Dental Health Month, and the team at Union Square Dental in the Flatiron District of New York City wants to take this opportunity to explain the importance of protecting your offspring’s teeth with dental sealants.

Understanding sealants

Sealants are thin coatings of plastic material that one of our dedicated dentists applies to your child’s back molars, where 90% of cavities occur. The sealant fills in the crevices and grooves that are hard to reach with a toothbrush and helps ward off dental decay. 

When to get sealants

Our dentists recommend getting sealants as soon as your child gets their first set of molars, sometime around six years old. When the second set of molars emerges around age 12, you’ll want to have our dentists apply the protective sealant coating to those as well.

Sealants are easy to apply

Applying your child’s dental sealants is quick and easy. One of our dentists coats the tooth with a solution that makes for easy adhesion, paints the molars with the thin sealant, and dries it with a special light. The whole process takes mere minutes and is entirely painless. 

Sealants are effective

According to a recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; dental sealants stop the development of 80% of all cavities in the two years following their application. This is a staggering success rate, and yet, according to the same report, only 60% of children between ages 6-11 get dental sealants. 

Sealants are affordable

Many insurance plans include sealants in their preventive care coverage. Check your policy to see what it includes. Even if you have to pay out of pocket, dental sealants are highly affordable and a great preventive strategy.

We’re passionate about protecting your child’s smile at Union Square Dental. To learn more about sealants and for all your oral health care needs, make an appointment online or over the phone at our office in the Flatiron District of New York City.

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