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Why You Should Never Put Off Necessary Dental Extractions

More than 120 million people in the United States are missing at least one tooth. Extractions are incredibly common, but that might be small comfort if you need to have a tooth extracted. You may even be tempted to put off the procedure. 

At Union Square Dental, our providers understand your hesitation. But, we encourage you to go ahead and take care of it. We’ve performed thousands of extractions, so you’re in highly experienced, thoroughly trained hands. If you need an extraction, we can help. 

Reasons to get a tooth extracted

While keeping all of your teeth is a worthy goal, there are times when an extraction may be necessary. Here at Union Square Dental, we’ll do everything we can to help you keep your teeth and gums healthy. There are times, however, when extracting one or more teeth may be the best option. Here are a few of the most common reasons for extracting teeth.

Prevent the spread of bacteria

Decay, disease, and injury are the most common reasons people need to have teeth extracted. Each of those problems has one important factor in common, and that is bacteria. The enamel coating on your teeth serves to keep out bacteria, but if it gets damaged, it can’t do that job effectively. 

Any time you have a cavity, gum disease, or a chipped tooth, bacteria can get in, and it can spread from your mouth to other parts of your body. While we have some tools to combat the spread of bacteria — such as filling a cavity, placing a crown, or giving a root canal, in some cases, these options aren’t adequate, and the best choice is an extraction to prevent the spread of bacteria.

You have impacted teeth

If you have teeth that are impacted or causing you pain, we may recommend that you have them extracted. The teeth that are most often impacted are the wisdom teeth. This is because they usually come in last, and other teeth may block them from erupting.

You’re undergoing medical treatment

If you’re undergoing chemotherapy or an organ transplant, this can compromise your immune system. Under such conditions, you’re more likely to have dental infections, abscesses, or other problems. An extraction may be the best choice so you can continue your other treatments.

You need orthodontics

Extractions can relieve crowding and make it possible for you — or your child — to be fitted for braces. Properly aligned teeth are attractive, but they’re also important for chewing and talking. Additionally, when your teeth are aligned correctly, you’ll be much less likely to develop gum disease.

If you need an extraction, or if you want to see if you do, we can help. To learn more, book an appointment over the phone with Union Square Dental today.

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